A Complete Guide on How to Sell a Car on Facebook Fast

Are you looking to sell your vehicle for top dollar pretty fast? Facebook will rank up there as undoubtedly one of the fastest ways you can sell your car. And for good reason too. Fortunately, you are on the expert blog where you will learn the profitable ways to sell a car on Facebook fast.

After all, Facebook is one of the largest and most widely used social media platforms in the world. Plus, it’s free to join, you get free publicity, and there are no fees for selling either – so it’s a win-win situation.

Where to Sell a Car on Facebook Fast

How to sell a car on Facebook fast

First of all, let’s look at your top available options, i.e., your options for the sale on Facebook.

1. Facebook Marketplace

Facebook Marketplace works like a classified ads service owned by Facebook. It’s meant to compete with eBay, Gumtree, and others. You can use it to sell cars by listing them based on location and category, and it’s free to post. People can search for cars by location and category too.

Facebook says that Marketplace is a special place on Facebook where you can search and discover cars easily. You can list your cars where people are already looking to buy, without any extra charges. You can access it on your computer or through the Facebook apps. The apps let you manage messages and inquiries, so everything happens in one convenient place.

Anyone can list cars for free on the site. As long as you know how to use the internet, you can do it. Plus, you can talk directly to customers using Messenger, which makes it a great way to do business.

2. Facebook buys and sell groups

Facebook buy and sell groups are another good way to sell cars, especially when combined with Facebook Marketplace. These groups are a big opportunity for people who flip cars and want to sell them at lower prices. Members of these groups get notified when cars are for sale in their local area, so they’re usually motivated to buy. You can join as many groups as you want in your area.

Most areas have groups specifically dedicated to selling cars, and some have thousands of members you can advertise to directly. You can find and join these groups by searching for your local area or postcode on Facebook. Joining is easy, but make sure to read the group rules before posting anything because they can be different for each group.

These groups allow you to reach potential buyers directly and it’s easy to manage. If you’re not taking advantage of buy and sell groups, you’re missing out. If there is not a car selling group in your local area, you might consider starting one.

3. Specialized car groups

If you have something unique or different to sell, it’s a good idea to look for a specialized group that focuses on that specific make and model. This way, you can put your car in front of an audience that’s specifically interested in it.

It may take longer to sell and you might have to sell to people outside your area, but some of the people in these groups are willing to pay more for the right cars. This tactic is also effective if you’re selling a classic car.

How to sell your car on Facebook (Posting to Facebook Marketplace & Groups)

If you want to sell a car on Facebook fast, here’s a detailed step-by-step guide to follow so you can get the most out of it:

Stage 1: Creating a Listing

  1. Set the asking price

Find out the fair market value of your car using a website like Kelly Blue Book. Consider the car’s condition, mileage, and other details to get an estimated price. Set your asking price about 10-15% higher than the estimated price to allow for negotiation.

For example, if you want $3,000, set the price at $3,500. If your car is more expensive, leave more room for negotiation. For instance, if you want $10,000, set the asking price at $11,500. Also, consider setting the price just below benchmark numbers to make it seem lower. For instance, set the price at $9,900 instead of $10,000.

Check the price similar cars sell for in your area to ensure your asking price is reasonable. It might be helpful to get a professional appraisal for your car, which provides written value, to aid in price negotiations later on.

  1. Write a detailed description

Be honest and provide a complete description of your car. Include the year, make, model, mileage, and transmission type. Also, mention the condition of your car (fair, good, very good, or excellent), any damage it has, and any accidents it has been in. Here’s an example of a good description:

I’m selling my black 2010 Honda Civic with 124,000 miles. It’s in good condition, has an automatic transmission, a 4-cylinder motor, and new tires. There’s a small dent below the front headlight on the passenger’s side, but it runs perfectly with no mechanical problems.

The body is undamaged, and the interior is spotless. It also has a new stereo. I can provide maintenance receipts to show it’s been well taken care of.

Remember to add relevant tags to improve the visibility of your post.

  1. Include multiple photos

Take pictures of your car from different angles. Capture the front, back, and sides of the exterior. You can also photograph the tires, wheels, and engine. For the interior, include shots of the dashboard, seats, carpet, and odometer. If possible, take a photo of the trunk as well.

Make sure your car is clean and in good condition before taking pictures to sell a car on Facebook fast. Including more photos builds trust with potential buyers, as they get a better idea of what the car looks like.

If your car has any damage, be sure to include accurate pictures of the affected areas.

Pro Tips for Getting the Best Results

  1. Avoid taking photos when your car is wet, as it can give a bad impression and make it seem like you’re hiding something.
  2. Choose a good background for your photos. A neat and attractive driveway, a scenic location, or a beachside parking lot can work well. If those options are not available, a plain brick wall can also be a suitable background. Consistency in the background across all photos is important.
  3. Try to avoid industrial areas or crowded parking lots. It’s best to shoot your car on a level surface or a slightly inclined slope with the front of the car pointing downwards.
  4. When taking a 3/4 angle shot from the driver’s side, turn the steering wheel towards the passenger side slightly. This adds a touch of professionalism to the photo. Keep the steering wheel straight for the other photos.
  5. If you’re selling a convertible, remember to take a few photos with the top up.
  6. Don’t worry about the number of photos you take. Unlike film photography, you have the freedom to take as many as you need to capture the right angles. Your photography skills will improve with practice.
  7. Try to frame the photos to include as much of the car as possible, minimizing unnecessary scenery. The focus should be on the car itself, making it more appealing to potential buyers.
  8. Use the grid lines on your camera or phone to help with composition and ensure the entire car is in the frame.
  1. Include a walk-around video of the car in your listing

Take a video with your cell phone or camera, slowly moving around the car to capture it from every angle. When you create your listing, place the video below the description and photos.

This will provide buyers with a better view of the car compared to photos alone. Keep the video relatively short, under a minute and a half, as longer videos may lose the viewer’s interest.

  1. Provide a contact phone number in your listing

Consider offering alternate contact methods such as an email address or a secondary phone number. If you’re open to communicating through Facebook Messenger, mention that in your listing as well.

  1. Inform potential buyers about the payment options you accept

Cash is the safest choice to avoid fraud. Ensure you have the funds in hand before transferring the title and avoid accepting monthly payments, as it can be difficult to collect the money if the buyer stops paying.

Stage 2: Increasing Exposure

To get more people to see your car listing on Facebook, follow these steps:

  1. Share the listing on your personal Facebook profile page

Send friend requests to as many people as you can, trying to reach the 5,000 friend limit. Having more people on your page means more eyes on your listings. It’s okay if you don’t personally know all of them, but make sure they live in your area and can meet up to buy the car. You can also send friend requests to friends of your current Facebook friends.

Changing your profile picture to a photo of you next to a car you’re selling is another good way to let people know about your car selling business.

  1. Use Facebook Marketplace for a wider reach

While looking to sell a car on Facebook fast, you need to make the most use of the Facebook Marketplace. Visit the Facebook Marketplace homepage and click on the “Sell Something” button in the left-hand navigation bar. Choose the “Sell a Vehicle” option and follow the step-by-step process.

Facebook Marketplace makes it easy by guiding you through important details like the asking price, make, model, year, and photos. It also connects you with potential buyers in your local area automatically.

Keep in mind that most transactions on Facebook Marketplace are cash-only, so if you’re considering financing or payment plans, this might not be the best option. You can also pay to “boost” your post and increase its visibility to get more offers from buyers.

  1. Share your listing in Facebook groups dedicated to car advertisements

Do a quick search on Facebook to find groups and pages where you can post your listing. Look for groups that focus on car sales from individuals and dealers.

Make sure the members of the group are primarily located in your area, as they’re more likely to be interested if they don’t have to travel far to pick up the car.

  1. Consider creating a separate Facebook page if you have a large inventory of cars to sell

This can help you organize your listings in one place and make it easier for potential buyers to find what they’re looking for. However, if you’re only planning to sell one or two cars, it may not be necessary to create a separate page as it can be more work for you to manage.

Stage 3: Closing the Deal

  1. Negotiate the price

If your price is open to negotiation, allow the potential buyer to make an offer based on your asking price. If the offer is not satisfactory, you can make a counteroffer. Have a minimum price in mind that you’re willing to accept and stick to it. If your price is non-negotiable, clearly communicate that to the buyer.

  1. Collect the buyer’s contact information

Once you’ve found a serious buyer, gather their information to proceed with the sale.

This is important for verifying their identity and avoiding scams. Make sure to get their full name, email address, home address, and phone number.

  1. Arrange an in-person meeting to finalize the sale and receive payment

When someone is interested in seeing the car, follow this simple sales process:

  • The meet and greet. Make sure the car is clean and presentable. When meeting the potential buyer, smile, shake hands, and introduce yourself.
  • The walk-around. Most people who view a car have limited knowledge about cars. Allow them to inspect the car without trying to sell it. Stand nearby and let them explore the car on their own. Answer any simple questions they may have, such as when the car was last serviced, if they can see the service history, or if it’s okay to look at the engine. Keep your answers straightforward and honest. Avoid providing excessive information.
  • The test drive: If you allow test drives, establish who is responsible for insurance coverage. Ask to see the buyer’s driving license and proof of insurance before they drive the car.

Never let the buyer take the car alone. Accompany them during the test drive or take them for a drive if you’re not comfortable with them driving alone.

Remember to keep the car keys with you at all times, even if you switch seats during the test drive.

  1. Negotiating and Closing

Once the test drive is over, people usually take another look at the car. It’s best to say as little as possible during this time. If they are also quiet, it’s still better to remain silent. Sometimes a few minutes of silence can be helpful. Just stand there and give them some time to think and talk.

After a few minutes, they may indicate their interest in buying the car or express that it’s not the right fit for them. At this point, it’s hard to change their decision. Hopefully, your well-presented car has already done the talking for you.

They might show interest but want to negotiate the price. Again, it’s best to say as little as possible and ask them to make an offer. Avoid offering a specific price yourself.

Don’t be discouraged if they say it’s not for them or if they want time to think. There’s little you can do to sway their decision. If they want to proceed with the purchase, move on to the next step.

  1. Receive the Payment

Most transactions on Facebook involve cash. Ask the buyer about their preferred payment method. As previously mentioned, it’s best to accept cash or a bank transfer to avoid fraud.

If the buyer insists on a cashier’s check, make sure to verify its legitimacy with their bank before completing the transaction. To avoid scams, consider not accepting payments through PayPal, as chargeback scams can occur.

Stage 4 – Transferring Ownership

Here’s the final stage.

  1. Fill out the necessary paperwork based on your state’s requirements

Each state has different rules for selling a vehicle, so visit the DMV website to find out what paperwork you need.

Usually, you’ll need a bill of sale and the vehicle’s title. You can find a bill of sale template on the DMV website. Consider getting the bill of sale notarized for added security. Although not always mandatory, you may also include warranty documents, maintenance records, and a Release of Liability.

  1. Sign the title over to the buyer after receiving payment

The instructions for signing over the title are typically provided on the back of the title document itself. Refer to these instructions to know where to sign.

Here’s something to note- If your name is the only one on the title, you are the sole person who needs to sign it. If there are multiple names on the title, check if the names are joined by “and” or “or”. If they are joined by “and”, both parties must sign the title.

If they are joined by “or”, either party can sign it over. And remember not to sign the title over until you have received full payment.

  1. Mark your listing as “sold” once the transaction is complete

After your car is sold, go back to any posts you made about it and update them to indicate that the car has been sold.

This helps prevent confusion among potential buyers and keeps your inventory organized. It also reduces the number of messages you receive about cars that have already been sold.

Do you need to keep your license plates? Find out.

Handling Inquiries

From experience, here’s something you need to understand. When it comes to inquiries, Facebook Marketplace, and groups have some differences. Potential buyers on Marketplace will contact you directly from the listing, and they can also make offers.

In groups, people usually show interest by commenting on the post, and then the conversation typically moves to direct messaging.

You have flexibility in how you handle inquiries. Personally, I follow a first-come, first-served approach. If someone wants to view the car, I usually hold it for them until the next day. It’s good to set a time limit so you can move on to other interested parties. Just keep the others informed about the situation.

Negotiating the price is common on Facebook. It’s important to allow some room for haggling. However, if the post has received a lot of comments or likes, you can use that popularity to your advantage and ask for the full asking price.

Consider using a chatbot for Facebook Marketplace

It’s highly recommended you use a third-party chat provider to help you manage messages from people interested in the vehicle listings they see on Marketplace.

The reason for this is; ideally, you must reply to any questions or requests from potential buyers within 24 hours and no later than 48 hours. You don’t want them to change their mind because you didn’t respond quickly enough. So Chatbots can help you do this by answering any inquiries on your behalf while you’re unavailable. Then you take it from there where you’re back online.

Tips for Selling Cars on Facebook

  1. Rules

Always read and follow the rules of buying and selling groups on Facebook. These rules can be strict, and page admins may be very vigilant in enforcing them. Non-compliance can result in being banned from the group. Meanwhile, observe these rules for selling a car on Facebook to protect yourself.

  1. Groups

Join as many local selling groups as possible. The more groups you’re part of, the better your chances of finding interested buyers.

  1. Haggling

Leave a little room for negotiation in the price. Everyone likes to feel like they got a good deal, even if they haven’t.

  1. Description

Provide a complete and honest description of the car. This saves time and money for both you and potential buyers.

  1. Payment

Accept payment through bank transfer or cash only. Never accept any other form of payment.

  1. Profile check

Take a look at a potential buyer’s profile. If you see anything that raises concerns, politely make excuses and look for another buyer.

  1. Safety

Always bring someone with you when meeting potential buyers. Choose a well-lit public place or meet at your home or workplace. Avoid going to a buyer’s home or meeting anyone you’ve only met online at night or alone.

  1. Keys

Never leave the buyer alone with the car keys. Keep them in your possession at all times.

  1. Paperwork

Have the necessary paperwork and service history ready before anyone comes to take a test drive.

  1. Insurance

Always insist on seeing proof of insurance before allowing a test drive. Don’t assume that someone has insurance.

  1. Cleaning

If you want to get the best value for your car, make sure it’s clean before any viewing. Trust me, a well-presented car speaks for itself.

What time is best to sell on Facebook?

From experience, it’s safe to conclude that the best times to post any items you have for sale on Facebook are between 9–10 am, 11 am–12 noon, and 4–5 pm. This is because these periods tend to coincide with workers’ breaks or nearing the end of their workday.


That’s it for the question- “How to sell a car on Facebook fast”. By now, I’m sure you know Facebook is dead simple to use, and handling inquiries is not a big deal. Lastly, you must know that just like anything in life, it requires some effort to be successful. So, you should get started right away so you can sell your car fast on Facebook.

Read: Signs that the just want to test drive without buying

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