Can You Make a Living Off Uber?

Can you make a living off Uber? Like you, many have asked this question. The interesting part is you can work on it schedule time.

To make a living off Uber depends on your definition of ‘earning a living’. It depends on the time you are willing to put in, at least 6 hours per day. You have to drive during the times with higher demands to make up to $300 to $1,000 weekly, minus expenses.

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Can You Make a Living Off Uber?

You can make a living off Uber if you are willing to trade most of your time for the money.

You also have to discover the best ways you can maximize your earnings, for example, driving in a city like New York which is more densely populated.

You must be on good terms with Uber, and ensure to follow the rules of the contract.

Uber has a tipping feature, so you can be able to make additional money with this. You only have to impress your passengers.

If Uber is not a great source of making a living, nobody will sign up. You just have to put in more time on the road.

First, you want to attend the classes, get a decent car, perhaps on a lease, but that meets Uber’s vehicle requirements.

As a young person with no children or extended family to look after, Uber can earn you a living wage while you still have a life.

However, it is different if your objective is to support your wife and children if Uber is your only source of income. You need a developed system, including reliable streams of income to make the most money and earn a living off Uber.

How to Make a Living Off Uber

Below are the steps to make a living off Uber:

  • Sign up

Your first step is to sign up for Uber. Although no commitment is required for Uber driving, you can stay committed to make a living off it.

Meet the required number of trips for your bonus, and stop driving whenever you feel like it.

You can also diversify with a different rideshare app, sign up for multiple money-making opportunities to make the most money.

  • Make yourself the boss

Get used to being an Uber driver, and make yourself comfortable.

If you already have a job, that makes Uber your side hustle, and still earn you the money to cover several expenses.

You could also make your life off Uber while pursuing a career or searching for a high-paying job.

The whole idea is that you have to realize that you are the boss. You only have to do what is right, follow the road rules, and do not get on Uber’s nerve.

You decide how many hours you work. You can work for two hours, or even take a few days off—your choice.

In essence, Uber can be a flexible way for you to make a living.

  • Know the right time to drive

You have to find out and select the best time to drive. Work during the hours you get paid the most to minimize burning fuel without passengers.

Driving during peak commute times like 6 am to 10 am, 2 pm to 8 pm on Mondays to Fridays can earn you the money driving.

On Saturdays, you go driving from 2 pm to 12 am for high profit on Uber, you can make twice to more than thrice the amount you make on other days.

It is easy to make up to $50 per hour driving Uber if you do the right thing, such as driving during the right hours.

  • Learn from other drivers

Learn from other drivers how you can increase your hourly earnings. Use paid and free courses to discover new ways you can optimize your driving for the most money even with no experience.

  • Pick up supplies

It is not recommended but you can pick up supplies.

Since you are in for full time to make a living, you can pick up items such as phone charging cables, a dash camera with parking mode, and a phone holder. These are inexpensive investments that help your business.

  • Lease a car

If you have no car for Uber, you can lease one through Uber with their FAIR partnership. You will also get low monthly payments.

Alternatively, you can rent a car through the Uber partnership program with the Hertz & Enterprise Rent-A-Car. Both leases and rentals have unlimited miles and maintenance.

Note: After signing up on Uber, you can expedite the signup process by going to an Uber Greenlight Hub to verify your paperwork and inspect your car. The required documents will include registration, driver’s license, and registration.

Alternative Ways to Make Money with Your Car

This section reveals the alternative ways you can make money with your car:

  1. Sell items

How to use my car to make money

You can make your vehicle into an exceptional trade vehicle for the money.

You could sell the following with your car:

  • Stationery
  • Sneakers
  • Jewelry
  • Tissues
  • Jumpsuits
  • Belts
  • Caps

The nature of your area should determine what you have to sell with the car. Busy locations and on specific occasions should get you the most money.

  1. Make deliveries

how to make money with your car

There are various things to deliver in your car.

Depending on your neighborhood, you can get in touch with local stores for some kind of delivery partnership. Some deliveries require journeying a few miles out of town.

  1. Advertising

How can I use my car to make money

Advertising is another way to make money with your car.

  1. Making food deliveries

How can I use my car to make money


  • Deliveries for an eatery.
  • Making deliveries of self-made foods.

Create a Facebook page describing your delivery business. Pay a few bucks to run advertisements for their food services, and receive the calls.

Do not forget to add your contact details right there on the page.

  1. Earning from driving tutorials

ways to make money with my car

Becoming a driving tutor is one of the ways to earn with your car that arrives occasionally. It is not a consistent way to make money with your car but not notwithstanding, it brings money on the side.

  1. Run errands

make money with your car advertising

Running errands with your car for money is a cool money-making idea. It’s one of the coolest ways to make money with my car that is fairly flexible and easy to cope with. However, people have trust issues considering the presence of the bad guys in town.

To gain trust, you need to register a unique business name, obtain a certificate, and share it with clients. If for no other reason, clients will consider me legit because of the business certification.

There are lots of errands you could run in your car for money. You could pick up the child, buy groceries, shop for clients, deliver a package for a client, etc. It is quite a cool way to make money with your car that you shouldn’t hesitate. Simply, form a brand, advertise the brand, and target the residents in your neighborhood. Besides, the task will determine your service charges.

  1. Deliver drinks/liquid consumables

ways to make money with my car


Simply get in touch with local bars around. You certainly have collections of assorted bars in your neighborhood. So, why not get rich with your car already?

Unlike a few years ago, connecting with people today is no longer tough. You don’t have to walk from house to house in search of clients. Modern methods of advertisements via social media, flyers, banners, and lots more make things far seamless.

People spend more of their time keeping up with trends. Simply, pay for the placement of an engaging advert on their feeds and the calls for beer will rain in.

  1. Driving for ride-sharing companies

Make money with your car advertising


  1. Carpooling

How to make money driving my own car

Carpooling is a great one for me. You can earn parking vouchers, cash, and even free gas.

If you reside in the countryside, you may not get the most money from carpooling but suburbs pay high.

  1. Sell worn parts

ways to make money with your car

It’s needless to hoard old car parts instead of selling them off for money at pawnshops. You can help others sell off old car parts for money instead of dumping them without earning a dime.

If you find a rickety vehicle that wouldn’t drive, offer to sell for the owner and share the earning. Sell the car part like hoses, gas caps, damaged headlight, faulty screen wipe, and more.

  1. Rent your car

Is there an app that pays you to drive

Think of it, if the renter keeps the car for 10 hours, that translates to US$100. Interestingly, you do not have to pay for gas and are not responsible for damages to the car.

When the rent duration expires, you receive my payment and invest in some other thing. Besides, you do not drive around all the time. Public transport saves some gas expenses though.

Final Thought

Working harder does not get you the most money to earn a living off Uber. Instead, work smarter.

You know you have to save fuel while driving around. We recommend these Toyota cars for saving gas while earning.

Check Out

  1. Tips to save fuel in your car while earning.
  2. Why car battery won’t charge for making extra cash.
  3. How to stop your car from overheating while you’re earning.

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